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Old 07-22-2021, 02:19 PM  
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Default Re: Hamster buried in pots after passing away?

I really would advise against any inside'd need a very large plant and pot to create the right soil conditions for the decomposition and I can't think of any house plant species that would be suitable to be honest. Even a dwarf species would need at least a 30cm diameter pot. The conditions inside a house also vary so depending on the time of year you buried would effect the decomposition. If it was out of the active growing season for the plant, you don't water them as much so bluntly speaking, a decomposing body in a warm house, in a confined container, without the soil being flushed ... in those conditions it may actually mummify the body too. Which also would nto be healthy for the houseplant. I honestly have never heard of anyone on here burying their hamster in a pot inside. And I've been around a while! Please trust us on that one. Not a good idea!

I should also add that for decomposition, there are many bugs annd bacteria in the soil to help break down the organic matter. Most people want to keep their houseplants bug free so the soil doesn't have as much bacterial and small mites and bugs that would break the body down. I repotted an outside plant last week and there was lots of earwigs in it! Deep into the soil so i imagine my burial pots have a host of crawlies in them. The seepage alone could be rather unpleasant indoors and smelly and in turn attract bacteria and mould in the soil and your plant and house which I imagine would be more upsetting to be honest. If that happened and you had to repot, you run the risk of having to see your loved pet half decayed, which after last years "trench uncovering" thanks to a local fox.. I can confirm is quite upsetting to go through.

It was sad when I had to leave some of my pots (though the ones I left the plants had mostly died due to the garden being an inhospitable jungle!) but I took a cutting from a lavender on its way out that has sprung to life a year after trying to care for it which makes me smile. I told my boys they would always be with me in spirit no matter where their bodies lay.

Bluntly speaking.. I have several "on ice" in the bottom of the freezer at the moment. At the start I didn't expect to be at my rental for over 10 years and that is alot of hamsters and rats over the years! I started to double up brothers in pots and you can run out of space so pots are quickly becoming an impractical option for me.

I had memorial stones and plaques painted of a few extra special ones.

Why are you so set on having an indoor and not an outdoor pot? You could have a nice memorial houseplant and add like Serendipity said, memorial pebbles to the houseplant but bury them outside in pots?
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too

Last edited by Amethyst_ice; 07-22-2021 at 02:29 PM.
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