Thread: Hot Hamster!
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Old 07-18-2021, 05:48 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
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Default Re: Hot Hamster!

Originally Posted by sushi_78 View Post
Fans don't do much for hamsters because they work by making sweat evaporate faster, but hamsters don't sweat. So it just feels like lots of air blowing around to them.
That's interesting and explains why Rodney climbed on a table and meerkated towards the ceiling fan sniffing like mad. So it wasn't to cool himself down but to investigate where the blowy air came from. He then looked at me and blinked with one eye which always cracks me up.

Ralph may like a bit of cucumber or watermelon in this weather as a snack. I find that ours don't eat as much when its hot but then again, i'd rather have a salad than a sandwich or an icecream, preferably.
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