Thread: A New Hamster
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Old 07-01-2021, 06:04 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: A New Hamster

I have in fact rehomed a Robo to someone with a large eco world habitat who devided the enclosure for her russian dwarf and adopted Robo.
The devider is a wood and glass sheet combo the full height of the enclosure and fitting snuggly so there is no gap.

The hamsters are fine because they can't see each other and probably can't smell much of each other either plus they are different species anyway.

I'd use a shelf of the detolf and a solid piece as well then set it up in a way that the houses and burrowing areas are at the further ends.

I don't know about a sealer but the one used for aquariums is probably ok. Someone else may know the answer to that.

As you know, we have a lot of hamsters and going by our lot only the Syrians react to the opposite sex. The dwarfs don't seem to bother and i had two female dwarfs living next to each other and a female and a male but they pretty much ignored each other. Clarissa and Edwina would look at each other or the neighbour's habitat sometimes but there was never any stress involved. Dwarf Ozzy has always been oblivious to anything outside his Hamster Heaven so may not be the best male to base an opinion on.

With two different species i don't think the gender would matter but if you'd have to go for two of the same species then, oh aye, i'd go for two lads or two lassies.
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