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Old 06-24-2021, 04:10 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 21
Default Tape safe for hamsters?

I'm sorry if this isn't the right topic, but I have a question regarding tape.

I recently thought about making my hammie a playground using some cardboard boxes and toilet paper rolls. Thing is, I have to use something to hold it together. I will try my best to make holes and puzzle together the pieces with no tape. But there are parts where I need to use it or the contraption won't hold together.

I don't wanna use normal plastic duct tape, since I know it can be dangerous to them if they bite it. But what about medical tape? The one made of this papery material we use to hold bandages together. Will that be a safer bet? Is the adhesive somewhat less toxic than regular tape's?

Or is there some kind of safe-for-pets tape on sale? I tried looking up on Amazon but I found nothing...
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