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Old 06-19-2021, 12:20 PM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Join Date: May 2019
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Default Re: Pets at home: wood shavings? Need to switch!

For that price I can't suggest anything, but if you can afford to buy bigger bags of bedding there are a few to look into.

I think Megazorb is probably the cheapest at around £9, equestrian shops stock this, but some pet stores too. It's probably about £12-£15 online with postage Off the top of my head it's 85litres i think, not sure about KG - but it would be a lot.

Aubiose hemp bedding used to be around £20 if you can find some. That's another big/huge bag.

For paper based I think Fitch the 15kg box works out the cheapest at £28.50 (you can buy smaller amounts for around £10-£15) or you could try Kaytee clean and Cozy - look out for offers on amazon. I personally think it is slightly softer than Fitch but dustier. I think Kaytee works out more expensive.

I appreciate these are way more expensive than what you have been spending but these are probably huge bags in comparison and with a detolf should last you a long time (months) as you would probably only be spot cleaning, deep cleans will probably not be that necessary.

I find for burrows, that mixing 2 or 3 substrates tends to help them hold better.
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