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Old 06-18-2021, 03:46 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Essex, England
Posts: 215
Default Re: My hamsters leg may be injured

As you hold her they look kind of fine, though the right one (left when in the video) looks a bit stiff but it's hard to tell; easier to see when they walk/run. As with the running, dwarfs are very fast so it ends up being partly blurry on video but it looked like the leg was going in and then out as she ran (but only saw that once or twice). But don't take that as either bad nor good advice, I really can't tell. Because of their small bodies, of course you will see their legs more when they walk/run because they come out more than a Syrians but I'll leave it up to others to help you determine if the leg is fine.

As with holding hamsters, in future it is best to hold them low. You should never hold a hamster up high as they are unpredictable like any other animal and will want to walk and not stay still (depending on personality). As well, they fall easily off ledges because of their bad eyesight, they can only see 30cm in front of them and then it becomes blurry for them. As well as biting, it is natural for us to flinch when pain is inflicted on us, it's a natural body response. So again, keep them low if they do bite to reduce their fall.

Back to the leg; if you are worried, then it's always best to take your ham to a vet to put your mind at ease and to know that you have got them checked out and ensured they're okay.
Age: 20 years old • Hamsters I currently own: 2 • Hamsters at the Rainbow Bridge: 1
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