So recently I reached out to my bf to help me look for some cheap wire mesh.
I've seen a lot of people using the normal square wire mesh and it's the go to thing for hamster enclosures. However, we got into a big argument and I ended up seeing his point.
Most of these wires are galvanised and can cause galvanisation posioning which is bad for both humans and animals. "Chicken wire" (Also galvanised) is designed to keep animals out (aka foxes) so therefore the fox gets poisoned by the metal when they keep retrying to enter the chicken coop.
So, instead I've decided to opt for the idea of going with woven steel mesh.
Does anyone else know of this?
This just relates to the cheap "chicken coop" wire by the way, not the expensive non-galvanised one which is way to expensive for my liking sitting at £70 minimum.
Age: 20 years old • Hamsters I currently own: 2 • Hamsters at the Rainbow Bridge: 1