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Old 06-16-2021, 03:48 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Wales, UK
Posts: 4
Default Do you think there is a market in the UK for homemade hamster diets for sale?

General gist is, I have recently started making my own homemade mix for my dwarf hamster. I am considering looking into developing mixes for all the species (i.e. dwarfs, Syrians and robos, with different ones for young and adult) to eventually go on to selling them on Etsy. I don't know however if there is a need or want in the UK for hamster diets sold on Etsy. Thoughts?

To clarify, it would probably be at least a year or so before I would be looking to start actually setting up a store as I know I still have a lot of research to do and I would want to wait until I could try out the mixes on my own hamsters or something like that to get an idea of how well they worked, etc. I am in no rush, it was just a thought I had but I don't want to waste time developing mixes that I would never use. I am wanting to wait until I have at least had a Syrian of my own to get an idea of how to adapt a mix for a Syrian, I'm still adjusting my dwarfs mix as it is as well. I would wait until I was 100% confident in my mixes before looking into selling them!!

The mix I have at the moment is based on german-style mixes if that makes any difference.

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