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Old 06-05-2021, 02:31 PM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: Hamster Wheel Issues - HELP ASAP! CAN'T SLEEP!

Originally Posted by Imogen View Post
Ah thanks so much! And I see, thanks for letting me know it's coconut fibre! I guess I'll have to research more into keeping it as dry as possible. As you can see, the cage does have a very large ventilated top but again, water droplets and whatnot can cause dampness/humidity.

I know someone who may have a dehumidifier, would that help? And if I can't get my hands on one how else would you recommend reducing the likely hood of humidity happening?

And loving your set up! I see you got the wheel in there that I got my hands on yesterday. It looks very lovely! Not that it matters to me and is a focus for the hamster, it does look like it will fit in with a naturalistic theme more which my wheel just looked so bright and out of place (besides the corner toilet I recently got).
Sorry, I only just saw the rest of your comment. No, I don't think a dehumidifier would work because they're for whole rooms really, not just a hamster cage. Personally I would only use coconut fibre in a very large, very well ventilated cage because of the risks mentioned. Sand is a good alternative.

Thank you! The wheel does look very good in a naturalistic setup.

Originally Posted by Imogen View Post
And honestly!! Tell me about it! It's a nightmare to get your hands on a wheel during an emergency since they're either too small or just not okay for a hamster, it's such a shame pet shops just do not look further into care for hamsters, even though it's their job to provide the best health as possible to an animal. I swear most things for hamsters are just made for kids "cool setups" or are just so unhealthy to a hamster.

What really boiled my blood the other day was those little toy "running wheel" cars that move, all for a kid to have fun as if the hamster is having a little drive in his car. Same goes with that motorbike wheel!

I admit, as a kid I was sucked into those fun little cages with all windy tubes and colourful stuff but as I got older I felt more and more guilty about how my first hamster lived. I feel disgraced over it and I guess in a way I'm wanting to give my hamster the best life I can as in a way to "make up" for my old hamsters life.
Yes, most of what pet shops sell are at best unappealing to a hamster and at worst dangerous. I'm afraid I have to admit that when I had gerbils as a child I really wanted one of those running car things with the track but I never had enough pocket money to buy one, which was a very good thing.
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