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Old 06-05-2021, 01:56 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Hamster Wheel Issues - HELP ASAP! CAN'T SLEEP!

Originally Posted by sushi_78 View Post
It's coconut fibre which you can buy in a dehydrated block either as a reptile substrate or for gardening. You add water to rehydrate it and then let it mostly dry out before using it. It does hold onto moisture and can therefore raise humidity in a cage so if you use it in a cage you need to keep an eye on that. Hamsters do better in dry environments rather than humid.

For rocks, I would just scrub them in hot (not boiling) soapy water. Since they're non-porous only the surface needs to be cleaned. The reason boiling rocks is best avoided is because some types have internal moisture-containing pockets, and when boiled the moisture turns to steam which expands and can cause the rock to explode.

Live plants aren't really a practical addition to a cage for a few reasons. Firstly, there's humidity issue as with the coconut fibre. Plants need damp whereas hamsters need a dry environment so there's a problem there. Plants also need fertiliser which isn't safe to have in a hamster cage. Plants also usually need a lot of direct sunlight whereas hamsters shouldn't be by a window where they might get too hot. If you want to have something plant-like for the natural appearance, I recommend seed sprays like millet, milo and flax. I stick them in the bedding or in little wooden stumps so they look almost like trees. I would go for these over plastic plants as they're much more interesting for the hamsters and edible.

These are seed sprays I buy: Rosewood Pet Products Naturals Pick ‘n’ Fly Bird 130g | Feedem

This is what I do with the seed sprays:

You can grow grass outside the cage and give it to them in small portions. I grow wheat and barley grass. You can also grow oat grass. I think Zooplus sell a tray that comes preplanted with various seeds and you just add water.
Ah thanks so much! And I see, thanks for letting me know it's coconut fibre! I guess I'll have to research more into keeping it as dry as possible. As you can see, the cage does have a very large ventilated top but again, water droplets and whatnot can cause dampness/humidity.

I know someone who may have a dehumidifier, would that help? And if I can't get my hands on one how else would you recommend reducing the likely hood of humidity happening?

And loving your set up! I see you got the wheel in there that I got my hands on yesterday. It looks very lovely! Not that it matters to me and is a focus for the hamster, it does look like it will fit in with a naturalistic theme more which my wheel just looked so bright and out of place (besides the corner toilet I recently got).
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