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Old 06-05-2021, 04:14 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Cage/Peer pressure on social media

I think let’s can be like people. They can have had past traumas. And can be institutionalised. Our rescue Syrian loved being in a 100cn cage snd took to it straight away - no issues and very relaxed - but he had been in an 80cm cage before. But he did have very ingrained habits (not a bad thing - he was very tidy). A rescue who has always lived in a small cage may be fearful of larger spaces. Some will love the extra space, some may not adjust to it. But I think in that case, if they’re not in a large cage they need plenty of out of cage exercise - maybe free roaming - because they can get atrophied back legs if kept in a very small cage before you get them. Very sad.

That is Syrians I’m talking about there.

It’s an interesting topic - animals being pets or living wild. A pet is an animal who has been domesticated and bonds with a human owner IMO. I can see the point that perhaps hamsters shouldn’t havd been domesticated but I think they make excellent pets and the benefit can be both to themselves snd the owner (and mutually beneficial).

I used to say I would never have a pet that needed to be caged as I thought that was cruel- but really it just comes down to - is the cage big enough and suitably set up. Hamsters in the wild don’t gave wheels (which they love!) and don’t live very long as a prey species.

A pet hamster is part of the family and knows it. The issue to me is people who get them as pets snd ignore them or leave them in small cages. Or even ignore them and leave them in very large cages! But at least then their basic welfare needs are met if not their bonding with a human carer.

Got myself in a twist there. Just saying that the bond between pet and owner is beneficial and what is really needed is better education and legislation on keeping hamsters - which is where this forum helps.

You could also see it as “hamsters on the dole!” Food is provided - they have lots of fun things to do in their cages and interaction with humans and out of cage time. Some can be quite lazy and contented with that.

Yes they may have an instinct to escape and run away - but they wouldn’t live long!
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