I posted a long reply to this yesterday but it’s nit there so maybe I didn’t press send! Anyway - what Ria said

. I use a tube or a hamster ball as a taxi. A hamster ball is ideal if it will actually fit through a cage door as they tend to walk in and you can just pop the lid in. Be careful not to drop it when you carry him to the safe taming area. I tend to use a tube and put my hands over each end when lifting then out but you need something right next to the cage to put the tube down in as it’s risky carrying them any further in the tube like that. They could get panicky and can push really hard against your hand and make you jump.
It’s fine to wake them earlier. But gently. Ie have a set time for putting out food and changing water and do a bit of cage clanging while you’re at it. Then put a smelly treat in the tube (eg cucumber) snd put it just in front of his house - that should tempt him into the tube.
Maybe a high sided storage bin or cardboard box next to the cage to put the tube in. Needs to be at least 30cm high or they can get out.
He may still be a bit skitty so I’d only get him out every 2 or 3 days - to give him time off to get used to habits in his cage. Unless he shows signs of wanting to come out by coming to the bars. It is better not to put your hand in the cage too much as that’s their territory- better if they come to you or show signs of wanting to come out. Meanwhile keep talking to him so he’s familiar with your voice, presence and scent.
Even when fully hand tame they still need a taxi out of the cage as can easily suddenly wriggle free and fall.