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Old 05-06-2021, 10:43 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Hammy doesn't seem right....

I am also so sorry to hear this and would also finish the course of antibiotics - how long is the course - it could need at least a week. In my experience also they get a bit worse while in the antibiotics due to the side effects. Our Robo looked absolutely terrible when on antibiotics - greasy fur, haggard looking etc. It wore off afterwards.

Sometimes though you have a gut feeling that something isn’t right. It definitely sounds neurological. And if it’s infection we would hope there would be some improvement once the antibiotics are finished and out of the system. If not then I would suspect a tumour pressing on her brain. And yes then you would want to relieve her suffering.

For the next few days or however long the course of antibiotics is (our Robo was on then for two weeks once) you have that time to talk to her. If you think she may be in pain I would ask the vet for metacam as well as antibiotics. It isn’t just pain relief, it’s anti inflammatory and may help. They like that one - it tastes nice. I think that is what I would do now and say you think she might be in pain and want to see if it helps.
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