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Old 04-07-2021, 05:47 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 4
Default Re: Roborovski first time owner (soon)

Hi Candace... I think the cage you're referring to is over 600 inches of floor space so it shouldn't be a problem. I got my boys together because they were together at the store and I knew nothing about hamsters when I bought them so I didn't want to split them up.
What I've discovered since getting them - well there has been A LOT I have learned, lol...but one of them is that they seem to get along great together until I clean the bin cage they're in... For some reason Milo always becomes really aggressive and territorial when the cage is cleaned... It's weird. He will actually hunt down Otis just to attack they have separate bin cages now. I figured 854 square inches each should keep at least milo happy...
Otis gets lonely which goes against what everyone says about hamsters but I'm certain he would prefer to have Milo around then be alone.
I got a third hamster, Presley but she's a girl so she definitely gets her own place...
These are my first hamsters and I couldn't love them more. I highly recommend them where there are no small children or risk of being attacked by a cat or dog...
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