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Old 03-17-2021, 06:05 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 5
Default Help needed with taming

Hi guys so I’ve had my female Syrian (around 11 weeks old) for just over a month.

I’m really struggling to make progress with taming her and getting her used to me. She’s fine with me petting her and will take treats out of my hand but won’t climb into my hand if I put treats in my palm. It’s also incredibly hard to interact with her because she won’t come out of her burrow unless it’s pitch black. Even if there is little light (leaving just the lamp on) she won’t come out. If I put a blanket over the cage she will come out and explore but if I turn the lamp on while she’s out she will go burrow again shortly after. I’ve tried the bathtub but I gave up on that because I wasn’t getting anywhere and she just kept trying to burrow under the blanket.

I guess I haven’t been to consistent in the sense that I haven’t been able to interact with her daily. Should I just try set a daily routine? Would that help? I interact with her often at least 4-5 times in a week. But do I need to do it everyday at the start of the taming process?

Also could it possibly be the cage? I have a 110 gallon fish tank for her. 90cm length and 32 cm width and 6 inches bedding.

I’m losing hope because I feel like I haven’t made any progress since the first week of getting her if anything I’m going backwards because she used to eat out the palm of hand but now she won’t.
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