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Old 03-15-2021, 03:45 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 8
Default Re: 2 year old Syrian struggling to use lower back legs

Originally Posted by Ria P View Post
Hello and welcome to HC!

Yes, the first thought that springs to my mind is to take her to a vet asap.
She may have had a fall while monkey barring and she could be in pain. Hamsters are very good at hiding pain.
It may also help your son to take his pet to the doctors because that's what people do when they are not well.

My second thought is that you need to do some research on proper hamster care should you decide to get another in the future. It will be educational for your son as well.

It is very unfair to remove a hamster's wheel just because you think that they don't bother with it.
How do you know that she doesn't use it or want to use it while you are a sleep? Was her wheel big enough for her to run in it comfortably with a straight back?
A Syrian hamster needs a 26cm/28cm wheel in their cage. Her monkey barring may well be the result of built up energy because she doesn't have a wheel.

You say that you removed it to give her more space which to me indicates that her cage may be too small. There should be enough space for a big wheel, a big house and plenty of enrichment. A cage needs to be at least 80cmx50cm like the Alaska for example to accommodate a Syrian hamster's furnishings and to allow for space to run around in.

I hope that a vet will be able to tell you what's wrong with your hamster and take it from there.
Thanks, but to be frank you should read your post back and consider how self-righteous, assuming and condescending it sounds. I came looking for advice to help an animal, not to be read the riot act and basically told I don't know how to treat animals. I'm a farmers son and have spent my life with animals of all sorts, I'm more than aware of their various comfort needs.

I consider her cage to be large enough, but not crazy big to the point were it takes up half the room. It has tubes that run outside of the cage that she used to run around in all the time doing circuits. She is allowed to run free for exercise and my son plays with her every day. Like I say, he's no clutz when it comes to animals and is extremely empathic towards them. Who exactly are you to say what my son needs to be educated in?
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