Thread: Euthanasia
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Old 03-02-2021, 06:37 AM  
Hamster Antics
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Default Re: Euthanasia

Also thanks to Ghosts in Snow and Amethyst. I think it is good to hear that it is standard practice (or virtually standard practice) to anaesthetize first now. It may be the directives have been sent to vets on this in the past few years.

My vet practice is very clear they will only do anasethetic gas first because they think it is kinder and more humane. And I trust them in this as a result. I do think, if you haven't been to a vet before. It is a case of ringing around and asking questions. My former vet practice about four years ago, the answer was "if you want us to". But I did feel the info was very sketchy and didn't trust them - the vet on the day (emergency appointment) was uncaring and a bit snappy and rude. It was a horrible situation as my gut feeling was to leave and go somewhere else. But it was an emergency situation so no option but to go ahead. I moved practices afterwards.

While you can't be there, they usually give you some time alone to say goodbye and it really helps to take a familiar cosy place for the hamster. I used a snooze cube the last couple of times and they happily sit in there, cosy and dark, and can be carried away in it without knowing who or where they are being carried. The vet then just leaves them in the house/nest/snooze cube and that is put in the tank.

I feel much more reassured now I have had a smooth process the last twice and a better vet protocol.

As regards eyes, I have noticed also that even with a natural death in the cage, this can also happen. And found it very sad. I am sure it is just a muscular thing as mentioned above. And maybe that it is also quick.

Sleeping under anaesthetic may not be the same as going to sleep with eyes closed. Eg if the anaesthetic is quick they could become unconscious before going to sleep and closing their eyes - if that makes sense!

It is the difficult thing with small animals as with larger pets it can be done at home with injection into a vein and much slower and gradual, so the owner can be with them.

I can recommend an enclosed cuddly hide for taking them in - a favourite place. And having a few moments before the vet takes them.

A hugely emotive topic! But it can be helpful to reassure others as I felt very much like Ria the first time. All I can say is - always ask the vet if they do anaesthetic gas first and see what the reply is. If they say - always we won't do it any other way, then feel reassured. If they give you the option - then I might wonder if they would actually do it.
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