Thread: Bar chewing
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Old 02-27-2021, 09:14 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: Bar chewing

I also believe that bar chewing isn't necessarily a sign of stress or boredom.

Out of our seven hamsters three sometimes bar chew and those three are the ones who want the most out of cage time and attention. Sometimes they have to wait their turn because another hamster is running around on the floor and they don't like it. Our hamsters are not patient creatures which can result in a bout of bar chewing to tell me that they want out and that they want out Now. The chewing is a means of communication.

One hamster is just plain jealous when its not her turn to freeroam or get immediate attention. She is a little "me me me!" diva by nature.

Sometimes its enough to take a bar chewing hamster out of his cage, talk to him and let him climb around on me for a while, especially after he already had lots of out of cage time. He'll then go happily back in to run on his wheel.

No matter how big the cage is and how many toys and chews a hamster has, the other side of the bars still holds more interesting things for some hamsters.
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