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Old 02-23-2021, 05:41 PM  
Margaret the dwarf
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 54
Default Re: Syrian with loss of use of back legs, (video included)

Originally Posted by Amethyst_ice View Post

Im sorry to hear little Gracie is still struggling and it sounds like you have certainly done as much as you can.

A few things concern me from your video aside from the obvious.

I think I can see fluffy bedding in the corner and then that leads to my other concern where she is lying down and is having quite some time unpouching something, it looks like it may be some of the fluffy bedding?

Fuffy bedding is extremely dangerous and sadly we have had quite a few HC hammies suffer from it, some even fatal. It can get wrapped around outside parts but also when they pouch it, they can swallow the fibres which can get caught up internally also.

Her ears are also quite flat back and eyes slightly closed which isn't generally a sign of a happy hamster. You mention she is off pain meds and hamsters, being prey animals, do hide their pain well.

It could be the tumour is pressing on her nerves effecting the legs. I'd be concerned about her ability to groom herself and to keep clean. Also with pressure sores dragging herself around.

While tempting to think she looks cute snuggled up to your gf, she realy is struggling and showing discomfort whatever she is trying to unpouch. Her closed eyes also suggest this and also the fact she is in that position at all.

It is clearly obvious the love you both have for her however there are a few things from her behaviour in the video which suggest she may be struggling quite a bit.
In your opinion do you think she should be euthanized? I've read alot on this forum and it seems like the consensus is that if she can still eat/drink and move around ok and go to bathroom she should be ok? She also does groom herself just not to the extent she used to.
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