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Old 02-17-2021, 07:48 AM  
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Default Re: Help - small bugs in water bowl?!


I was just about to spring in and suggest booklice!

My old house was very old and damp and a few christmas ago I found HUNDREDS all over everything in one room, had a total freak out and melt down!

Once I knew what they were I started noticing them on lots of things!

I moved house last year and I still find the one one or two on things, mostly the pet stuff, the wooden things.

As grim as they are, they aren't harmful and if you can get them under control should be ok. I just squish and hot rinse whatever i find them on.

They can come in through windows, tiny cracks etc and with the heating on and cold spells I'd attribute it to that.

I'd try just wash everything and look at other surfaces in that room and hopefully you will get the numbers down

Oh and having the window open a tiny bit just for 30 minutes a day will help and wont harm him
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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