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Old 01-29-2021, 09:40 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: How to stop hamster chewing plastic

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
Hello. It looks like a large bin cage - is that right? But there is an area near the plastic edges that seems to be some kind of flooring rather than just substrate. This might make him see the edges of the bin cage as a kind of playpen and they will always try and chew out of a playpen! No matter how big an enclosure they want out. Whereas with a cage it is "home" rather than an enclosure and they can be contented in their home cage and only bar chew (or plastic chew) if the cage isn't big enough (generally).

The other issue though seems to be internal ridges - which are chewable! Rather than plain sides on the inside of the bin.

I noticed also you have some metal grid ladders. It would be better to replace those (or cover the surface with hemp mat eg) as they're bad for hamsters feet - they can get a nasty foot condition called bumblefoot - it;'s very nasty. Also they can get a toe caught and injure themselves. Solid ramps are better - runged ladders aren't good for the same reason. You can use bendy stick bridges as ramps as well.

But generally it looks to me like you need a cage or bin cage that has substrate for the entire floor area. And is smooth inside without those ridges.
I didn't realize that ramps could cause bumblefoot too, I thought it was only mesh wheels, they'll be out of there right away. Yes, it is a bin cage. By a floor do you mean the piece of cardboard by the flat topped platform? because that used to me a forage mat, he just tore out everything, leaving a piece of cardboard. Are you saying that the cage isn't big enough, and that's why he's started chewing on it? Also, would just putting up cardboard like LunaTheHamster1 suggested be enough to stop him chewing? Thanks.
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