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Old 01-23-2021, 07:25 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Lump on rear quarter

At the moment you don't know for sure what it is but the vet will advise and prescribe the correct treatment.
I've never had a hamster with a lump so wouldn't want to speculate.
Best thing to do is ask the vet what exactly what's involved before they start any invasive treatment, should that be needed. Vets are happy to talk concerned pet owners through any procedure before they proceed with it.

With the lockdown you probably won't be able to go into the surgery so have to hand her over but the vet will consult you before they do anything and that's your chance to ask questions.

I always write down what i want to know and last time i took a hamster to a vet during a lockdown i took a blanket and was so glad i did because i had to wait outside for a bit and was able to keep my hamster in his transport box warm and draft free. I have a big transport box and put a house and plenty of substrate in to keep him comfy.
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