Thread: Moving stress
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Old 12-21-2020, 10:04 AM  
Shadow Cat
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 156
Default Moving stress

Hi all

The UK government's inability to get their act together re: covid and Christmas meant that yesterday me and my hamster had to make a last minute dash to my parents house by car to avoid getting stranded alone for Christmas.

I moved her in a travel case but bought he regular cage with me. I put it in the spare room last night but slept so badly because I couldn't hear her (ironic, right?) as she usually lives in my bederoom and I've grown used to her late night shananigans.

Anyway, she's usually awake by now and I haven't heard a peep from her. I'm worried that the move stressed her out too much. I know hamsters are probably hardier than I give them credit for, and I'm probbaly being paranoid and projecting my general life anxiety onto my pet, but I guess I need some reassurance that an hour long car journey and sleeping in an unfamiliar room isn't going to cause her harm.

I'm being stupid, I know if, but I thought if anyone can understand it will be all you lovely people. Do you have any tips?
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