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Old 11-28-2020, 02:00 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 27
Default Re: Need help and advice!


We took him to the vet to get checked, his wound seems to be an ulcer from his scratching and tearing out the skin, so far it's getting better, been cleaning it for him and applying iodine.

His breathing also seems to have gotten faster and is possibly a respiratory infection, we've gotten some antibiotics for him for that too and another drop for in case if it was some sort of allergy it seems.

His fur was also checked and it seems he has a fungal infection, which we are now waiting on the medicine, vet applied a drop of medicine at the back of his neck for demodex mites, have to see if it helps his condition improve.

A few hours ago when Pandy was asleep, (was sleeping on his side) he got up needing to pee, but was dragging one of his hind legs for about 20 seconds, is that anything to worry about? Or could it be that he his leg was numb from the way he slept? He went back to normal after that, has never done that before.
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