Thread: Food for Robos
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Old 11-21-2020, 10:42 AM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Default Re: Food for Robos

Originally Posted by AmityvilleHams View Post
I'd have to say that's a bit of a misconception and twisting of information - mostly due to people not necessarily understanding the nutrition of such foods in general but that's perfectly understandable!

Corn isn't all that high in sugar. Yes, it has more than some other vegetables, but in the amount a hamster would receive as part of a balanced healthy diet you would not see any problems. Peas are similarly not that high in sugar in proper hamster proportions, same with beetroot and parsnip. Do keep in mind that robos aren't actually one of the diabetes prone species.

There's really no good reason to exclude these things from a diet for a diabetes prone species from a nutrition perspective. In fact, there have been quite a few cases where new hamster owners in particular were mislead into removing specific ingredients from mixes which just causes the entire diet to become imbalanced.

Speaking of foods people commonly assume are not an option for diabetes prone species, carrot is also occasionally assumed to be too sweet which is just not true at all.

As far as foods go, I'll always view Rodipet as the best until something better comes along which is very unlikely. Unfortunately this isn't an option for everyone, but where it is an option it is definitely an extremely high quality food and would be an excellent choice.
Thanks Amytiville,
Yes, I know Robos aren't one of the diabetic species, but just a lot I have watched or read seemed to lump robos and dwarfs together re diet, and with my syrians I normally tend to just stick to green veggies and never really given them much fruit so I was going that way with the robos too. But I have always given corn and peas to my syrians and wasn't to the robos, but I will now. Is that a no no for other dwarf species?

I might try Rodipet eventually but for now I am happy with the Bunny Dreams one.
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