Thread: Piggies?
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Old 11-07-2020, 07:44 AM  
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Default Re: Piggies?

Originally Posted by chesca_27 View Post
Congrats on your piggies! So cute and I am excited to see baby pictures if Oreo is pregnant. I had a guinea pig called Oreo as well! I’ve currently got 1 called Pemba, since Oreo passed away. I know it’s not ideal he’s on his own but I’m not allowed anymore piggies. He lives in a 2x6 C&C at my dads and I can’t remember the name of his other cage at my mums but it’s about 140x80.

Also I think neutering is an excellent idea for Chunk and it does seem to be quite common in guinea pigs now. I’ve never had any neutered personally, but make sure you have a good guinea pig vet.

I’m sure you have plenty of treats too, but my guineas have all been obsessed with the Oxbow rewards apple and banana (you can get them on Amazon). Anyway I look forward to hearing more about Chunk and Oreo
If Oreo has any pups I'll keep everyone updated with pics too must be a popular name, Oreo. Was she black and white too by any chance??

Sorry to hear that. Are you able to foster from a rescue to keep Pemba company, then when his time comes take the foster back?

As Oreo is possibly pregnant i want to make sure she's getting as much grass hay as possible. This will ensure that any pups she has are growing steadily and won't be too big for her to birth. At the same time I don't want to be filling her with fillers that are in pellets and biscuits as I want her to be as healthy as she can be.

Her current diet is unlimited meadow/Timothy hay. 1tbsp of grain free Pellets (science selective) and 1 cup of veggies (today's veggies: peppers, coriander, carrot tops- green bits, celery, cucumber and romaine lettuce). She is getting a bit more pepper for vit c which won't hurt her if she isn't pregnant. Not feeding any alfalfa until any pups are born as if I do before hand it can make pups big. Also added calcium could cause problems if she isn't pregnant.

Chunky is still getting unlimited hay. Getting 1tbsp of pellets. Still getting greens but not as much pepper as Oreo. He doesn't seem to enjoy pepper that much so I've got to find something else with vit c that he likes.

I weighed them yesterday as I have almost had them a week. Chunk is now 407grams (gained 72g). Oreo is 545g (gained 64g).

As you can see chunk is a lot smaller than Oreo which is unusual as males are typically bigger. However as long as they continue to grow and thrive I neednt worry
🐹Slave to Ares 🐹 - 🐶 2 dogs, 🐷 8 pigs. 🌈 Forever in my heart, 🐹 Lilith, Athena, Nikolai, Ghost & Mania 🐀 Inky & Splat 🐶 Beau ❤️
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