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Old 10-31-2020, 08:13 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Syrian Hamster babies

I assumed the vet put her down, so sorry.

People really let you and your hamster down badly so you must be feeling truly awful now.

First the petshop or breeder by not separating her from male hamsters to avoid pregnancy as such young age when she was still a baby herself and then the vet for not being able to do something for her.

Losing a beloved hamster is hard and it will take time for you to come to terms with your loss. You are going through a whole lot of emotions just now, grief, sadness, anger and you may possibly blame yourself for something even if there's is nothing you've done wrong you'll still ask yourself if you should have done something different or sooner. We all do that to some extent and its all part of coming to terms with a tragedy.

In time you will learn to live with Rose's passing and her memories, even though they're short, will live on.

One day you may be ready to get another hamster and it may be a good idea to get a male hamster so you don't have to worry about babies.
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