Thread: Rescue Ratties
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Old 10-12-2020, 06:12 AM  
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Default Re: Rescue Ratties

RSPCA just rang to check up how first night went. The rest of the rats went to their new home today.

Lady kept insisting their fur would grow back. I sounded a bit rat geek explaiining the recessive gene of double rex, how they are unethical designer rats called "patchwork rats", still dont think she believed me!

They've asked me to send photos etc and keep in touch for their success stories as they don't get many rats. They said they were really pleased to find an experienced home for them.. I felt quite blushy! I guess you don't realise how much knowledge you pick up in 10 years. I still consider myself a beginner in ratty care!

My name change sounded a bit grand...when I told her they were Kairos & Tempus, explained why she laughed... they were Roland and Ruddy!

Looking forward to working with them, they just need to get used to the house sounds.. I sneezed and they went zooming for cover!
Feel free to ask me about rat advice too
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