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Old 10-03-2020, 10:07 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Need Help For Senior Hammy

It's very difficult. If she didn't have the foul smelling pee then yes you would normally just keep her comfortable. But even at two they can come round if treated for an infection and it does sound like she needs antibiotics. It could be the infection that is making her wobbly. So yes she does need a vet visit, even though it is such an upheaval for them when they're old. But it may help her. And she may have another few months to a year of hamstering after it's treated.

They usually prescribe Baytril as an antibiotic which tastes absolutely foul and syringe feeding can be stressful so it could help to be prepared. Some people use runny honey to suck up into the syringe with the baytril and the hamster then is happy to lick the syringe. When I had to give it the hamster just hated the syringe full stop, but it's not a taste that can be disguised in food. Possible in a bit of runny honey on a small dish (I used a baby food lid as a dish). What I used was a tip from here which was country hunter beef dog food. It disguised the taste and was very popular! All got eaten up. Because it's important they have the full dose each time. It was just a pee sized amount with the medicine dropped on top and mixed in a bit.
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