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Old 09-05-2020, 03:44 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Ham solo has sores/scabs , not getting better

I think changing to Fitch will help you know whether it’s an allergy or not within a week or so. I have read if hamsters having skin problems with Carefresh sometimes - ie an allergy. I’m not sure why as it’s just cellulose but there are quite a few chemicals used in producing cellulose. For nesting, the safest thing is torn up strips of plain white toilet paper and they quite like it as well. Not in their house but just a pile in the cage and they take what they need.

It is possible the invermectin made him a bit unwell also as it’s quite string stuff - especially if he’s had it more than once. But don’t think that would cause the skin sores.

A couple of things you could do for general immune boosting are to give hemp seeds. They contain virtually all vitamins and minerals. So a pinch of hemp seeds and a pinch of linseeds daily - I used to give these to our ageing hamster and put them on a separate little dish - eg a baby food lid or small jar lid. They just lick them up. If it is related to poor immune response then that might help with the sores healing.

Some people have also used aloe Vera gel on sore skin. It’s soothing and also supposed to help heal.

That is just treating the symptoms to give some comfort really. I don’t see why you can’t try the voltaryl as well as the Fitch. Although if things do then improve you won’t know which it was that helped! But maybe that doesn’t matter.

The lump does sound like a possible tumour. And Cushings can be caused by an adrenal gland tumour.

But they can still live for some time with a slow growing tumour. The main thing is to monitor his quality of life and keep him comfortable. If he is still enjoying doing hamstery things and can have his skin relieved of soreness then that might help.

Signs of pain and suffering are sitting hunched and ears down all the time but you would probably know if he was in a lot of pain.

He is lucky to have such a caring owner. Although you’ve seen two vets and the second one is helpful it could still be an option to ask for an opinion from an exotic vet. They know a lot more about hamsters and their conditions and about suitable meds and dosages.

You can get hemp seeds and linseeds on amazon or health food shops- not expensive and a quite a big bag that lasts years. I used to get the Linwoods shelled hemp seeds - they are sort of fluffy and hamsters seem to like them. Brown linseeds are supppsed to be better than golden. Aloe Vera gel needs to be pure aloe Vera. Some people also find bathing sores with thyme tea helps heal them quicker. Thyme is a natural antiseptic. Without getting your hammy too wet of course. Just a dab with a cotton bud dipped in it. You just make tea with thyme or thyme tea bags and can they keep it in the fridge for a few days.
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