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Old 08-30-2020, 06:49 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 7
Default Re: We recently got a dwarf hamster and he seems really scared

Originally Posted by AmityvilleHams View Post
Natural fibers and claims of being safe or good for hamsters really aren't a guarantee of safety unfortunately. Things like cotton and kapok fiber are labelled like this all the time, both of which being equally dangerous for the exact same reasons to hamsters.
OMG I seriously didnt know this I bought it from my local pet shop and was told it was great for dwarf hamsters but I have now looked it up after reading this and I am really worried I have now removed the kapok fiver from his bedding completely cleaned out his cage as I don’t want any of the stuff left in his cage I was putting small bits in at a time for him to make his best if he wanted to but now I’ve removed everything his bed his food his meat the wood shavings cleaned the lot while he was in his ball and put tissue for bedding and just wood shavings everywhere else why would a pet shop sell me the stuff as safe if it is that dangerous?? Should I take him to get checked by a vet or something as it says it can block their throats so they can’t get food or water if the eat it or it can block them up the other end as it can’t be digested plus no water could get through it if he swallowed any so no chance of moving it he does seem perfectly fine and has been using this bedding since I got him but I want to know is that even if he looks and seems fine he is eating and drinking he is running on his wheel for hours at night and his toilet seems okay I don’t know so much his wee but he is deffo pooping fine as he poops loads when I put him in his ball on the floor
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