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Old 07-06-2020, 11:47 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Bugs in my hamsters cage! help!

Hi there. It’s common to get bugs in pet food - they look like weavils to me. It almost always comes from the food. It is nothing to do with your cleanliness. It’s why I now freeze all hamster food for a week before using! After having an outbreak of moths. Moth eggs are too small to see but common in most pet foods. They hatch out when it’s warmer. Freezing kills moth eggs and other bugs.

If they are in the bedding as well now then yes you will need to do a full cage clean unfortunately. Not great for the hamster but he should settle again in a week or so. Just scatter some treats afterwards to make up for it.

They shouldn’t do any harm - hamsters will eat bugs - a bit of live food! But they could start breeding so you want rid.
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