Thread: Bar biting
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Old 07-01-2020, 05:07 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Bar biting

When you say he'll be left with your grandparents, do you mean they will be at your house or is his cage going to be moved to their house? Just asking because when I left our hamster, in his cage, at another house, that did set off bar chewing! But only towards the end of the time where he was staying and it continued for two weeks when we got him back. I thought it would help him staying in his familiar cage, but if I did it again I would probably leave his cage in tact at home and take a "holiday cage" for him to go into at the other house. So at least then when they come back they go straight into their familiar cage and it's less likely.

Nothing is certain though. A change of environment and person can lead to them starting to bar chew - stress. But it might be fine - they all vary.

All I do know is that when we took him with us on holiday, and took a slightlysmaller holiday cage - he was absolutely fine. Maybe because we were familiar.

He will be fine with your grandparents but have a think about whether his cage is moving or not.
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