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Old 06-21-2020, 11:10 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: How to clean a cage?

That sounds exciting Are you planning on getting a Syrian or dwarf hamster? One tip I would give though is that it's really important to get the cage all set up and ready before bringing the hamster home. Think about things like access - is a ramp sturdy enough up to a shelf so he can reach his food and water ok. Is there a good sized house for him to nest in etc. The reason being it takes about 2 weeks for them to settle into a new cage and it's best to avoid changing things around during that time. Adding the odd new thing tends to be accepted ok but not if it means moving or removing other things. Also best not to clean out for the first two weeks - if it gets a bit whiffy you can spot clean the pee after a week eg. But best not to disturb things.

The first day or two it's best to leave them alone in the cage to build a nest and settle. You can then talk to them through the bars/mesh gently so they get used to your voice and presence. If during the next two weeks the hamster shows signs of wanting to come out then that is fine - some are a bit more tame than others when they're new. But baby hamsters tend to be very scared and skitty for that two weeks. So best to just keep talking to them and interacting that way, and offering the odd treat through the bars/mesh. Unless they show they want to come out.

After that you can start hand taming more So if you're thinking of making a bin cage it would need to be ready and all items in the right place before putting the hamster in really or there can be big setbacks for longer with taming/bonding etc.
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