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Old 06-13-2020, 12:45 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 13
Default Re: New robo hamster owner

Originally Posted by Engel View Post
Hello and congrats on your hammy. I love robos. They're amazing little creatures.

I use an upright wheel for mine. The 7" one from p@h.

Burrowing isn't a big deal and very enjoyable for them. I scatter feed mine. No bowl. So that can solve that issue.

I also don't use watch bottles. I use a water bowl but if she buries the food bowl that'll be difficult. Free standing bottle holder?

What size is the bin? You said that you're getting a bigger one? What dimensions? The minimum is 80x50cm unbroken continuous floor space rather than broken up in different sections.

Id recommend the zoozone 2. It's a guinea pig tank but just mesh the lid and voila. Perfect robo home
Her cage at the moment is 50x30cm, which i thought was the minimum? It was the largest bin we had available at the moment and was double the size of the bin she came in.
I did build her a free standing bottle holder, and it is working well, which solved the problem of the bottle falling off the side.
I have looked into scatter feeding, but am holding off until i get her on a better food (we bought regular hamster food that was being fed to her before she came to us not knowing dwarfs need a different diet, so i am doing a slow change)
I love that she burrows, and it is the reason we are sticking with bin cages rather than a "regular" cage because she throws her bedding as she digs lol
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