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Old 06-13-2020, 09:36 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Scotland
Posts: 87
Default How do you educate people kindly?

Since doing my research when I first got a hamster I now find it really disturbing to see them being cared for badly or just neglected. I try my best to dm someone privately and send them a message which I usually check over a few times and ask my friends if it seems okay beforehand because having ASD I can come off as quite blunt but a lot of the time I get yelled at or even publicly shamed for it.

I dont know if this is an appropriate thing to ask on this forum but Im really struggling with it and I dont know if I should even bother at all? I do get being defensive but I told someone today to try to not to let their dogs be so close to their hamster as they were holding the hamster (which looked very stressed) towards the dog as the dog sniffed it and looked like it was about to eat it and they were fine over dms but then blocked me and made a lot of horrible tweets about me. I had 2 friends check over my messages before and they said they looked absolutely fine.

I wanna know if anyone else has had any bad or good experiences like this and whats the correct way to go about it or even if I should just not message people at all?
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