Thread: Help anyone?
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Old 06-02-2020, 10:51 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Help anyone?

Hello. He looks ok to me. At two he is quite elderly and they can get a bit of a swollen belly for all kinds of reasons - he could carry on like that for some time without too much issue and you would know if he was in discomfort. He is the equivalent of an 80 year old human more or less and with older hamsters things start to gradually fail- kidneys , liver , heart - and not function so well. The swelling could be any of these things - usually fluid. Or it could be a tumour possibly. But as time goes on you will see if anything changes or he seems to be suffering in some way. At his age I would just keep monitoring him and letting him live out his life.

However you mentioned some kind of thickening (?) under his neck. That could be a tumour or even a cyst. It’s a difficult call - whether you put him through more stress going to the vet or just let him carry on. A tumour in the neck area/surgery may not be successful at his age. I had a two year old hamster with something similar - a neck swelling. They decided to operate as it was affecting him being able to walk properly and getting stuck in things. Sadly he died under anaesthetic. That is the risk. On the other hand it saves dying a painful death later, so to speak.

Does the lump under his neck seem to be bothering him? Can you tell if his pouches are empty (eg nothing stuck in there). Also check his bottom teeth and see they haven’t grown too long.

Signs of suffering are sitting hunched and ears down all the time. He doesn’t appear that way in the photos. How is his behaviour?

You also mentioned breathing. Is he just stopping to pant a bit or is it more like rasping? If the first then he may just be ageing - heart eg. If the latter it could be an infection (or allergy depending on his bedding) or it could be he is getting into his twilight time. They can have breathing changes when they are near dying.
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