Thread: Goodbye Sparky
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Old 05-25-2020, 09:57 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 17
Default Goodbye Sparky

With a heavy heart we had to say our last goodbyes to one of our hamsters. We had him only for almost 2 months, he still didnt let us hold him, but i could stroke his head when he ate and he wasnt attacking our fingers anymore so i tough we were going in a right direction. Not sure what happened he was up and running last night and even the whole morning ( which is a bit unusual as he was rarely up in the mornings , he did wake up around 7 pm and would run like a maniac in his wheel all night , he ate and drank all his food enjoyed treats. 2 days ago he climbed out of his cage and fell behind the cabinet i was able to get him back by luring him into a small tube with food ( i tried not to handle him at all as he was already stressed from the fall) he was fine the whole night he ate and run as usual even the next day which was monday he was fine in the morning. At night i went to check on him and his brother snowball and he wasnt out. Which was a bit out of his behavior as it was 9 pm already. I went to put my kids to bed by the time i came back i found him already dead not sure how to break it to my kids in the morning. He didnt have any signa of illnes and up until today he ate and drank was very active , no wet tail, eye infections and had shiny coat. So probably the fall must have caused some internal injuries as i couldn't see anything on the outside. Any other option wiuld be if he got into on of some old rat/ mouse poison ... my landlord sprays this foam to close all the holes around the heaters to prevent them from coming in , maybe he chewed on that ?

Rest in peace little one, we will miss you Sparky
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