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Old 04-26-2020, 06:13 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: Changing Sleep Pattern to Avoid Me

Your hamster is adorable! I love her colouring. I'm pretty sure that you haven't done anything wrong and i understand why you try to adjust your sleeping pattern to your hamster's. I used to spend whole evenings and half the night sitting in front of my Syrian's cage waiting and wishing for him to make an appearance because he used to get up earlier when i first got him. In fact, all my hamsters got up earlier when they first moved in and everything was new and a bit worrying for them.
Then they started to settle in and realize that their new habitat was safe and their nest and hoard was theirs alone, the wheel and toys weren't going anywhere and they established their own routines the way they liked it.

Their own personalities started to shine through and a lot of a hamster's behaviour depends on their personalities, that's the way i see it anyway.
My Syrian prefers his own company, he's lovely and tame but will let me know when he wants to come out of his cage which happens quite infrequently. Things have to be on his terms and he makes this very clear with his bodylanguage. He likes to do his hamster stuff when the lights are out and its quiet without a human in sight or sniffing distance. My Robo is a phantom hamster i sometimes don't see for days because usually i'm asleep when he's about but the dwarfs are often up during the day and one of them likes to come out of her cage but the other prefers his cage to time spent with me.

I think its easier to have a hamster who is content and happy with their habitat than one who is constantly biting the bars, stressed out and desperate to escape.
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