Thread: Meet Sock
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Old 04-15-2020, 01:02 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 170
Default Re: Meet Sock

Little Sock update! He's getting more used to me and is less skittish (but still jumps from time to time). He sat on my hand a few times and I managed to lift him up carefully. But when I lift him you can pinpoint the moment where he thinks "wait..? WHAT'S HAPPENING" and then he either jumps off (I lift him low to the ground) or I put him back. He keeps trying to nibble the tips of my fingers but it's very slow, so like I can see him attempt to nibble and slowly pull my finger away before he can actually do it. After a few times he then goes for the actual snack on my hand, so I don't think he wants to actually bite me because he wants to hurt me. I guess he's curious maybe?

He did attempt to bite the bars of his cage just now when I sat in front of it but when I then stuck my hand inside to lift him he just went back to running in his wheel (which he does most of the time he's awake). I'm getting the feeling that he expects the breeder to lift him out of the cage and when it's me he's like "no not you lol the other one". Probably isn't the case but it feels like he's not sure yet if he can fully trust me, like he's wondering who I am if that makes sense?

Anyway, he's a happy healthy ham from what I can tell and I'll continue to bond with him!
parent of jupiter and sock
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