Thread: Owls hooting
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Old 03-27-2020, 05:41 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 37
Default Re: Owls hooting

Originally Posted by Vierville View Post
Thank you, and absolutely no offence taken!

Bird nettings? What kind of savage cruelty is that?!

I am a huge bird lover (I'm taking care of a young dove and a young sparrow at the moment, both of whom were tiny when found).

You'd think that being entirely domestic and never having been in the wild hamsters wouldn't know that owls etc are a threat but my one hamster, Monty was out in her playpen once and an advert for a wildlife documentary came on on the tv in the next room...the advert had an eagle calling and Monty froze in place just as the eagle csll played and went completely lifeless. We really had a weak moment thinking she had had a heart attack but after a few minutes of being totally unresponsive she woke up and hid in her hide the rest of the night.
If a bird nests in a tree they can't cut it down by law in the UK for the rest of the nesting season, so advice is to put a large net over the tree to stop nesting. Unfortunately the birds try to nest there anyway and a lot die in the nets, however the building developer is then allowed to cut them down. It's quite widespread unfortunately, and if you see it please write to your local government!

(or if you're a vigilante cut them down as some people here did!)
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