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Old 03-14-2020, 06:14 AM  
Cosmic Hamsters
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Default Re: Introducing Twinkle

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
I’d just leave him a bit longer If it gets very smelly he might chuck some old substrate out of the house . Congratulations he is gorgeous. Having said that if you wanted to now tempt him out for some playpen time that could be a good time to do a teeny bit of pee spot cleaning - not too much - and then put 2 or 3 treats in to distract him when he goes back in.
I am always hearing him rearranging things down there- so your comment made me wonder if he is clearing out the dirty spots. His food store must be massive by now as well, as I just keep feeding him to try and gain his trust.

From what i have seen I think he has made a tunnel right under one side of his cage which is under one of those multi chamber houses, and blocked off another house and tunnel I put to the right of the multichamber. He spent 2 hours doing all of that as soon as he arrived, he obviously wanted it in a set way as he made a lot of noise doing it, I think he was getting tired and grumpy because it was the middle of the day when he arrived. What was funny was the rescue left him with his house from his previous cage because she said he was very partial to it and might take him a while to move out of, he didn't give it a secong glance, he moved straight into his new home.

The last 2 nights i have tempted him into a tiny box and carried him to the sofa and he has sat on my chest, so after your comment I thought I would try him with some bath tub bonding, i thought he would freak out, but he was into everything. Still dubious about my hands, but slowly getting there. But as soon as I put him back in his cage, he runs back to his house, but then pops out again a few mins later, do you think his house is just his security blanket? sorry i have written loads!!!
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