Thread: New hamster.
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Old 03-11-2020, 04:51 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Feb 2020
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Default Re: New hamster.

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
I wouldn't do a full cage clean, with a cage that size it's never necessary unless a ham is ill or you get bugs & have to do a deep clean. Just spot clean & do partial cleans, you probably won't even need to go right down to the base of the cage, every few weeks or so, some areas such as around the wheel may need cleaning more than others.
It looks as though you could have quite a bit more substrate for burrowing in there, fill the base up to the top, your wheel should still be ok as there's a fair bit of height above it.
So you could just mix some megasorb in with what you have already to top it up.
the reason why I kept it lower and never filled it up completely for kicking so it doesn't go over the floor (even at this level) it still happens , yeah I know you could use cardboard to prevent that... noticed him trying to dig, but think he might be still to small to dig right down as he seems to struggle a little.

it's really hard to spot clean sometimes as he mostly lets all his poos out on the wheel then they go flying off and get buried. as for Pee, the only place I have noticed pee is in the place he sleeps, yet to find it anywhere else. I did get a potty yesterday and used some sand with some soiled bedding, looks like he did go into it when I was sleeping but didn't find any pee etc.

I do clean his wheel every few days, since he does poo on it, hoping he will grow out of that habit eventually...

as for full cleaning etc, this seems to be subjective, as some say in a big cage once a month, then you say I shouldn't really have to do a full clean, maybe just clean the top layer and put new stuff down, but I thank you for giving me more insight.

I have had a hamster before, but trying to pretty much relearn everything.
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