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Old 02-17-2020, 06:02 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 1
Post Syrian Hamster is really sick.

I hope someone can help me with my sick Syrian hamster (1year and 5 months).
A few weeks ago i started to notice that he became less and less active. he didn't want his treats, he slept more and his eyes were half open. It got worse every day. he's sleeping around 23 hours a day, isn't drinking and eating as much as usual, his eyes are almost always closed, stopped cleaning himself, etc.

I went to the vet and she said that something might be wrong with his liver or stomach. She gave him something and told me to call her if he wasn't doing better in a few days.

A few days later, he still wasn't doing great. he's still sleeping all the time, lost appetite, eyes still closed,... i went back to the vet and she told me to give my hamster some extra medication for 5 days. I'm on day 4 now and my hamster is doing worse and worse every single day. he's getting bigger even tho he isn't eating, water retention probably. he's almost twice his size. He also get's clumps of feces stuck to him. i try to clean it at least twice a day, try to give him water and food but he doesn't want it... I'm starting to think that something else is going on since he's not getting better.

Anyone who's having an idea what it can be?
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