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Old 02-15-2020, 11:37 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Hamster cage views for newbie

The reason they need more floor area and less height is because they’re ground dwellers. They can climb but aren’t good at getting down again! They tend to just let go and drop. Also they have poor eyesight and go by smell. So they will leave scent trails all over the cage base and substrate which is not just territorial - it helps them find their way around. You also need the floor area to have enough space for a good sized house/nesting box and a wheel. One shelf is good as they like to sit under a shelf or climb into it - somewhere else to go and a good place for heavier ceramic items. If you look at the photo of the Barney cage / that is an ideal set up - big house at one end, shelf at the other end. A bigger wheel would stand next to the shelf maybe / then you just need to add items/toys for enrichment and variety. You can set any cage up to look like that.
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