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Old 01-29-2020, 02:53 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Greater London
Posts: 136
Default Re: Taming help/advice?

Taming update: I'm so happy!!!!! The Boy came out of his burrow a minute ago and normally when he does, if he sees me move he runs back and hides, but today he didn't!! He still won't take food from my hand but that's fine, I just don't think I've found a good enough treat he likes yet. I've put millet sprays in his cage and in a diy chew but he hasn't touched any of them, and in his food mix there are dried mealworms and he doesn't eat them, so can't use those as treats. I tried giving him spinach but he didn't take it, and I tried a yoghurt drop as cos they're so sweet and sugary I thought he would take it but no. He's such a fussy eater lmao (also he doesn't use his chews? Any reason for this?)

On another note, he stuffed his cheeks full of veg and buried it in his burrow so I hope he just eats it and it doesn't go mouldy down there lmao
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