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Old 01-23-2020, 08:29 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 20
Default Syrian male doesn't burrow

My boy, Chubbs, doesn't seem to enjoy or know how to make burrows. In his current 1000 sq inch aquarium set up he has a hide in a corner by the food and water, and some syrian-sized tubes and hides that run under the bedding. Instead of digging all the way under the 6-8 inches of bedding or using the tubes, he goes in the opposite corner behind his wheel and digs a "crater" and sleeps back there. The only time he ever actually dug in the bedding was a couple times he got scared and dug straight down to the bottom.

I'm not sure if this is because he's a pet-store hamster where they have hardly any bedding or if he just doesn't feel the need to because he knows he safe in his aquarium.
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