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Old 01-19-2020, 04:55 PM  
Hamster Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,010
Default Re: New to Hamster Central

Ootley is absolutely beautiful! What a cute hamster! Welcome to the forum and no matter what your age, as Engel said, we're all here for the same reason which is that we love hamsters!

It really sounds like you have Ootley's best interests at heart and that is great. As a new hamster owner you'll be amazed at the things you learn as you go along.

Here are a couple of tips:

The best substrate (bedding) is paper-based such as Kaytee Clean and Cozy. It is compressed so a little goes a long way. You can use torn up toilet paper too for their nests. They love this. Give your hamster as deep a layer of substrate as you possibly can as they really love to burrow down underneath it.

Avoid wood shavings as mentioned. Aspen shavings are safe but other wood types can cause irritation and respiratory problems.

Avoid all cotton-based nesting material. This can be swallowed and can prove deadly.

You mentioned that you use a ball. Our hamsters like theirs but time in the ball should be limited to around 30mins per session orit can stress the hamster. Also no access to water in the ball means shorter sessions are better.

Give your hamster a backup water source. So if you use a bottle, think of providing a small bowl too or a second bottle somewhere in he cage. That way if one bottle malfunctions (which I've had) or if he tips the water bowl over, the hamster still has water available.

Any questions, please feel free to ask.
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