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Old 01-16-2020, 05:05 AM  
Hamster Addict
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Location: Shropshire, UK
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Default Re: Syrian hamster food, different options

I have heard PURR is good and is also good for diabetic dwarf hamsters, but I've never used it. The other I haven't heard of, sorry.

For an adult hamster the protein should be between 17-19%. Fat 4-7% and fibre 6-15%. As long as it's within that range then it'll be fine.

Pellets aren't necessarily a bad thing. It makes sure that your hamster is getting all the nutrients it needs. These are especially good for hamsters that only pick out parts of the mix. Like only eating the corn and sunflower seeds. Seed mix encourages their foraging instinct and is a bit more natural for them.

If it works for your hamster why not continue with it?

That being said, the protein on your current food is 21%. Perfect for growing hamsters and some dwarf species, but an adult Syrian, maybe not. My other issue with it is how vague the ingredient list is. It doesn't really say what's in it and that bugs me.

But it's not all bad! You could make your own mix. Keeping 50% of the mix being your current pellets and the other 50% mix of seeds. Now you will need to keep this balanced. You can't just add seeds here and there. I've added a calculator found on hamster hideout. It's one I use myself.
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