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Old 12-26-2019, 10:44 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 20
Default Syrian male is TOO tame

My Syrian male, Chubbs, is a very calm and patient hamster, almost too much so. He has a very predictable schedule and when he's out its not much to look at. He sleeps most of the day in his little hole he dug in the 6-8 inches of bedding ive given him. When he wakes up somewhere around 8-9pm he'll get a sip of water and just groom for the next couple hours in one of his hides. When I finally go to bed he'll get on his wheel and run on that for a long while. All in all very predictable behavior with little deviation and no quirky anomalies. He hardly ever shows signs of boredom. He has about 1000 sq inch of space, multiple hides, chews, sand, and a little platform so I guess its my fault for him being so "relaxed"

He's very easy to handle. Doesnt squirm. Doesnt bite. He doesnt really enjoy getting picked up but he "tolerates" me when he does get scooped up by me.

At this point I wish he was a female so he would be a lot more energetic and harder to please. I dont want to say he's boring, but...yea haha. Nonetheless he is still mine so I will do my best to keep him happy.

Can anyone else relate?
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